High-Quality Cosmetic Paper Factory is Look

High-Quality Cosmetic Paper Factory is Looking for Agents
We are an OEM working with several cosmetic brands worldwide, including AVON and Watsons. We have had a great deal of success providing high-quality oil-blotting paper in America and the Middle East. We are looking for agents and cosmetic designers who see the opportunity for this product in their market.
We have handled the entire manufacturing process, from product to packaging. We have the expertise to meet the high specifications of any cosmetic brand, and are experienced working with partners overseas.
If you are interested in working together to take advantage of your market's need for high-quality cosmetic paper, we invite your email!
1.Oil Blotting Papers
This is popular cosmetic using on face to clear skin oil
2.Blush paper
Blush paper is the most convenient touch up tools. Cheek is looked naturally by touched blush paper.
3.Powdered paper
Oil blotting paper with cosmetic powdered. To remove extra oil and fix a make-up.
4.Shing paper
A necessary tool for beauty!
The fine&Shining powder composition to make women are looking like more beautiful.
Easy to portable and touch up.To use it.You will be the star of the party.
本公司為專業吸油面紙製造商 Watsons,雅芳,Seven-Eleven 康是美…等吸油面紙 皆由本公司生產。
1. 吸油面紙
多種材質可供選擇- 雙光紙,超吸收紙,竹炭紙,綠茶紙,格子紙,米紙,另可加上天然芳香精油 或任何美容成份。
2. 蜜粉紙
在吸油面紙 上塗布一層高級蜜粉 使其有吸油加補妝的雙重效果。
3. 腮紅紙
在紙上 塗布一層 高級腮紅 讓您的客戶 走到那裡都可輕鬆上妝。
4. 亮粉紙(珠光紙)
亮粉紙為腮紅紙的進化版以高級亮粉 代替腮紅 讓您的客戶 在夜店、舞會 成為閃亮的焦點。
5. 珠光蜜粉紙
Stanley Chang
TEL:+886 2 26632211
Cell phone: 0931303375